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Knihy o úpravách dvoutaktů (tuningu)

Autor: Ladislav Ševčík („Pajka“)
aktualizováno: 10.11.2017

Několik knih a publikací, ve kterých najdte základní i pokročilé informace o konstrukci a ladění (tuningu) dvoudobých motorů.

Soubor Název publikace Autor Popis Jazyk
Two_Stroke_Performance_Tuning_by_Graham_Bell.pdf Two Stroke Performance Tuning Graham Bell ENG
Two_Stroke_Piston_Diagnosis_by_Graham_Bell Two Stroke Piston Diagnosis Graham Bell ENG
Two-stroke-tuners-handbook-gordon-jennings-(1973).pdf Two Stroke Tuner’s Handbook Gordon Jennings ENG
The-aspirin-takers-guide-to-two-stroke-port-timing-gordon-jennings-(1973).pdf The Aspirin Taker’s Guide To Two-Stroke port Timing Gordon Jennings ENG
Race-preparation-Gordon-Jennings.pdf Race Preparation Gordon Jennings ENG
Oil-premix-ratios-Gordon-Jennings Two Stroke Oil premix ratios Gordon Jennings ENG
Expansion-chambers-Gordon-Jennings.pdf Do You Really Want to Know About Expansion Chambers? Gordon Jennings ENG
Compression-ratio-Motoyama-Gotoh.pdf The Effect of Higher Compression Ratio in Two-Stroke Engines Yuh Motoyama, Tohru Togoh ENG
Crankcase-volume-inlet-system-Nagao-Shimamoto.pdf The Effect of Crankcase Volume and the Inlet System on the Delivery Ratio of Two-Stroke Cycle Engines Fujio Nagao, Yuzuru Shimamoto ENG
Delivery-ratio-characteristics-Komotori-Watanabe.pdf A Study of the Delivery Ratio Characteristics of Crankcase-Scavenged Two-Stroke Cycle Engines Kazunari Komotori, Eiichi Watanabe ENG
L-ring-effect-Furuhama-Ichikawa.pdf L-Ring Effect on Air-Cooled Two-Stroke Gasoline Engines Shoichi Furuhama, Hiroshi Ichikawa ENG
Some-development-aspects-Naito-Taguchi.pdf Some Development Aspects of Two-Stroke Cycle Motorcycle Engines Hiroshi Naito, Moriyuki Taguchi ENG
Mikuni-vm-carburetor-super-tuning-manual.pdf Mikuni VM Carburetor Super Tuning Manual Mikuni ENG
Dellorto-carburatori-a-guide-1.1-manual.pdf A Guide 1.1
to the choice, setting and use of tapered-needle motorcycle carburettors
Dellorto-motorcycle-carburetor-tuning-guide.pdf Dellorto Motorcycle Carburetor Tuning Guide ENG
Upravujeme-motocykl-pro-zavod-Pavel-Husak-(1972).pdf Upravujeme motocykl pro závod Ing. Pavel Husák CZ
Motocykly-s-dvoudobym-motorem-Pavel-Husak-(1978).zip Motocykly s dvoudobým motorem Ing. Pavel Husák CZ